Category Archives: Question of the Day

Last Day of the Semester!

Hey guys,

So as you probably know by now, I am not only a workaholic, but also a full-time student. Today is my last day of the semester, and last day of classes for good! I have an internship next semester and will no longer be on campus. It still is strange to even think about, and I think I’ve been convincing myself that it isn’t really the end as I have been moving out of my dorm. I’m sure it will hit me when Monday rolls around and I don’t have any classes to attend. Continue reading

Steamed Lobster


Today I am going to cover a touchy subject: Food Stamps. While I think it is one of the best benefits we can offer to those in need, I unfortunately have seen many instances of people who abuse the benefit.


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Talking on the phone while at the check out… Is it rude?


Hello again workaholics!


Work at the grocery store was crazy this weekend! Many people were rushing in at the last-minute to prepare for Hurricane Sandy. An odd thing I must note is that whenever a severe storm is approaching, customers stock up on eggs and milk… Something I will never understand. If you lose power, the milk will go bad and there’s no way to cook the eggs! (Unless you’re Rocky, in which case you prefer to drink them raw anyways) Continue reading

Receipt or no receipt? That is the question.

While working in customer service at a grocery store, I often observe customers who are returning items with no receipt. It is our store policy to accept returns whether or not the customer has a receipt. Customers often take advantage of this policy and either steal items and then return them to get the money, or they bring in items that have been sitting at home for a long time and have expired (claiming they bought the item recently). As a result, the store suffers a large loss of money in what we call shrink. Do you think stores should require some proof of recent purchase before accepting returns?