Category Archives: Helpful Information

Bad Customer Service


Happy Monday Workaholics!


I know that normally I share annoying customer stories, but today I really want to share a story about terrible customer service that I witnessed recently. Continue reading

Great Sites To Check Out!

Happy Friday Workaholics!

This week was an incredibly short week for me. Classes were cancelled on monday and Tuesday, so the week just flew by. Since I had some extra time this week, I decided to do some more research to find sites that may be of interest to us workaholics. Continue reading

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Hello again workaholics, sometimes it feels like the stresses from work keep piling up and that there is no end in sight. Just take a deep breath, go get a snack, and allow yourself time to organize everything on your desk. Organization is one step we can take to help eliminate some stress, and it will make us finally feel like we can get through all the tasks at hand. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me!

Workaholic Research

Greetings workaholics!

It’s that time of year again when most college students begin to feel very stressed as their work load increases. I have been forcing myself to take breaks from all the reading and writing to try to calm my nerves. While some of you may not consider students as “workaholics,” I think that some students can fit into this category, even if they do not work jobs that bring in an income. Continue reading