Category Archives: Annoying Customers

Greedy Customers


This weekend I encountered two greedy customers who really irked me, but there was nothing I could do about it. Since it has annoyed me since then, I decided to share the stories with you guys. Sorry to rant, but I think it will make me feel better to hear your feedback! Continue reading

International Lettuce


Hi again workaholics!


Last night I was working at the grocery store and had one of the most obnoxious customers ever. It started off as an ordinary busy Saturday night at the grocery store. I was shift leading and in charge of making sure everything ran smoothly at the front end of the store. As I was asking one of the baggers to do a floor sweep, I saw one of the cashiers lights start flashing. When the light starts flashing, it means the cashier needs help with something. Continue reading

Black Friday

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Happy Cyber Monday!!!

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Steamed Lobster


Today I am going to cover a touchy subject: Food Stamps. While I think it is one of the best benefits we can offer to those in need, I unfortunately have seen many instances of people who abuse the benefit.


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Great Sites To Check Out!

Happy Friday Workaholics!

This week was an incredibly short week for me. Classes were cancelled on monday and Tuesday, so the week just flew by. Since I had some extra time this week, I decided to do some more research to find sites that may be of interest to us workaholics. Continue reading

Talking on the phone while at the check out… Is it rude?


Hello again workaholics!


Work at the grocery store was crazy this weekend! Many people were rushing in at the last-minute to prepare for Hurricane Sandy. An odd thing I must note is that whenever a severe storm is approaching, customers stock up on eggs and milk… Something I will never understand. If you lose power, the milk will go bad and there’s no way to cook the eggs! (Unless you’re Rocky, in which case you prefer to drink them raw anyways) Continue reading

Diary of a Waitress

Hello again workaholics!

I myself have never been a waitress, but I can understand the difficulties and frustration waitresses must deal with. Being that their salary depends on a customers happiness, a waitress must do everything she can to keep each customer happy with the service and products offered.

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