
Hi there! My name is Christina, and I’m just your average working college student. I’m a full-time student and part-time worker, although the term “part-time” doesn’t seem very fitting. I work as a cashier at a grocery store, and as a teller at a bank. I like to think that having two part-time jobs is the equivalent to working full-time, but that’s just my opinion.

Working with the public has taught me many important life lessons. For instance, I’ve learned that when asked how you are, just say “good.” Any response besides the typical “good” or “ok” is terrifying for the person who asked. I once had a customer say “awful.” Let me tell you, we are not trained to respond to that. I’m no therapist! I do not want to know the details about how your cat needs surgery, or about the noises you hear coming from the apartment next to yours. I keep telling myself that I have seen and heard it all and that nothing will shock me, yet somehow someone always manages to leave me in disbelief.

Any who, sorry for ranting on my about me page. Sometimes I just need to vent. If you do too, this will be the perfect page for you. Comments are welcome. I can’t wait to get a good laugh from other annoying customer stories, and I hope that you enjoy mine!

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