Greedy Customers


This weekend I encountered two greedy customers who really irked me, but there was nothing I could do about it. Since it has annoyed me since then, I decided to share the stories with you guys. Sorry to rant, but I think it will make me feel better to hear your feedback!


The first greedy customer was at the grocery store. I have to give you some back story before I can actually tell you the story, so I hope I don’t bore you to death in the process!

Recently, the grocery store I work for decided to implement a hassle free return policy. In my opinion, returns have always been hassle free, but now the company has taken it to a new level. This means that we must accept all returns, regardless of if the customer has a receipt or not.

In the past, if the customer was returning a pricey item, we could look in the sales logs to see if that item had been sold recently. Sometimes customers steal items off the shelf and return them for the cash. If the item hadn’t been sold in months, then we could refuse the return if the customer claimed to have bought it recently. We are no longer allowed to use that as a criteria to refuse a return.

Another new rule is that the money does not have to go on a store gift card if the customer does not have a receipt. In the past, if the return was over $15 and the customer did not have a receipt, then it had to go on a store gift card. This policy is no longer in effect.

So now to the story. It was 7:58 on Friday night and customer service closes at 8:00. A customer walked up with a bag and said he had items to return. As he opened the bag, I saw a $25 bottle of hair serum, at $30 package of mens razor cartridges, and a $15 calculator. I asked the customer if he had a receipt and he said no. He said that he had bought the items earlier that day only to get home and find out his wife had bought them as well. I then asked if he would mind if I put the money on a gift card and he said yes he would mind, and that he wanted the cash for it. I had to happily oblige because of the new rule and give the man $70 cash.

Out of curiosity, I then went into our sales history and found that none of those items had been sold in recent months. The hair serum hadn’t been sold in 3 months, the razors in 1 month and the calculator had never been sold as far back as I could see. The man clearly stole the items in order to get cash.

I know that this shouldn’t bother me, but it does. I feel wrong giving cash to a person who did not pay for the item. I know that it is policy and I must follow it, but at the same time, it goes against my own personal morals. The way I see it, I just aided that man in stealing money from the company I work for. How do you guys feel about this? Do you think I am normal for feeling so guilty about this? Or should I simply shrug it off because I am following procedure as I was told?

The second story happened at the bank. This weekend was customer appreciation weekend… Yipeee. I hope you can sense the sarcasm. Each customer was given a free candy bar, and inside select candy bars were golden tickets. If you were lucky enough to get a golden ticket, then you won the specified prize. The bank gave away a total of 5 iPads, 5 $200 gas cards, and 20 $50 grocery store gift cards.

Now you may be wondering why I wasn’t excited about this. First of all, bank employees and family member of employees could not participate. Lame. My family members are all customers of the bank and should be appreciated just like any other customer. Instead they did their banking like they normally do on a Saturday and didn’t get a candy bar like every other customer in line.

My little brother was most upset about this. He is 11 and every week he deposits the money he has earned from chores into his very own savings account. He hasn’t withdrawn any money since he opened the account about a year ago, and is very proud to go there every week and make a deposit. He loves getting his balance and seeing it increase every week. When he saw other customers getting candy bars, he couldn’t wait for it to be his turn. But, the teller knew he was my brother and had to deny him a candy bar. He didn’t even want it for the possibility of winning a prize, he just wanted the chocolate! Sigh.

The bank didn’t advertise customer appreciation weekend, but word got out quick. The candy bars were gone by 1 on saturday. So much for customer appreciation weekend, more like customer appreciation Saturday morning.

So this one customer comes to the drive up and after I waited on her, she pressed the call button. I asked her what I could help her with and this is what followed:

  • Customer: (rudely) Are you not giving out candy bars at the drive up? Because I don’t see one in here.
  • Me: No I am sorry miss, the candy bars do not fit in the drive up tube, and unfortunately we are all out anyway.
  • Customer: What do you mean you’re all out?
  • Me: Well the company didn’t anticipate us going through them so quickly, so unfortunately we have no more.
  • Customer: Well that is ridiculous! I only came back to do more banking so that I could get another candy bar!

Ummmm… how does one even respond to such a remark? First of all, it was only supposed to be one per customer. And second of all, we ran out because of greedy people like you! Well I wish I could have said that anyways. Instead I apologized and told her that we appreciated her business.

What do you guys think? Am I overreacting about these greedy customers? Let me know, I love hearing your feedback, and it usually helps me to feel better!

Have a wonderful week fellow workaholics.

10 responses to “Greedy Customers

  • moose4188

    I was in a Wal Mart the other day and a customer was berating an employee to the point where the employee turned around and asked if anyone else wanted to deal with the customer because she was done. The customer seemed to not understand copyright issues with photos. When I left the store, the customer was still complaining to someone who I assume was a manager.
    I have worked many years in retail, so it is nice to see a blog where people can release there frustrations without physically hurting a customer. I believe customer service is the most underrated job anywhere. Its nice to hear others are going through their own frustrations and that my own frustrations are not unfounded.

    • cransom6979

      Thanks for your feedback! I am glad to hear that other people working in customer service can enjoy the content and have a place to vent. As to the Wal-Mart scenario, I just do not understand people sometimes. How could she not understand Copyright issues? Sometimes I really think customers complain just to get attention.

  • tatkinson8063

    I think your blog has been funny, told great and relatable customer horror stories, and I think your stories are very detailed giving you a good sense of what it was like to deal with this customer.

    I’ve been curious what is the frequency of annoying customers? Is it multiple a day, multiple a week, once aweek?

    • cransom6979

      Oh, I would have to say annoying customers are seen multiple an hour on any given shift. It just depends on the severity of their annoyance. I think the really really really annoying ones only occur once a week, luckily.

  • blackjackofalltrades

    I love that this blog relates to your experiences with every post. That’s definitely been the most recurring theme. I had a difficult time with my one post about customers and trying to come up with 21 ignorant things they’ve said, but you’ve been able to think of a ton of different topics so I applaud you on that. Also, you probably keep your cool better than I ever could. It’s nice to have a place to go to vent, isn’t it?

  • Andrew

    The exchange policy issue used to bother me quite a bit when I worked in retail as well. I’ve come to realize, though, that the companies are well aware that many people scam the system, but they’ve already written those losses off. Market evaluation decided that the increase in customer loyalty more than offsets the financial loss of some items. They truly don’t care, because it’s just part of the business, so you should try to not care as much either.

    I know it’s easier said than done, and frankly, you’re absolutely in the moral right to be outraged by how devious some people are, but it’s just not worth expending your energy on. You can’t change it, because it’s not a matter of being *right* in the eyes of the company. For your own well being it’s best to just let it go.

    By *you* I mean anyone working in retail, really.

    Anyway, your blog has been fun to read this semester. Anyone who has struggled through the pit of hell that is retail Christmas time can appreciate what you are talking about. It’s nice to have a place to vent, I think one of the reasons why is such a popular site.

    My question is: your blog title says “the good, the bad, and the annoying.” Since we’ve established the bad and definitely established the annoying, what good experiences have you had with customers?

    • cransom6979

      Thanks for the feedback! I am glad to hear that the return policies have bothered someone else as well, and I will try to take your advice and just accept that it is the way it is. I think that would be an excellent idea to tell the good stories! I do have quite a few, especially with customer I have gotten to know over the years. One time a loyal customer brought me an ice cream after I casually commented that hers looked delicious. Thanks again for the feedback, I think I will have to do a good post!

  • ktibby214

    I love your blog because it constantly reminds me that I’m not alone! There are some crazy customers out there. It always makes me wonder about myself as a customer too though, which is kind of neat. You wouldn’t expect the tables to turn like that while reading your personal stories about others. Nice job! I hope you keep it up, you’ve had some great stories!

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