Monthly Archives: October 2012

Talking on the phone while at the check out… Is it rude?


Hello again workaholics!


Work at the grocery store was crazy this weekend! Many people were rushing in at the last-minute to prepare for Hurricane Sandy. An odd thing I must note is that whenever a severe storm is approaching, customers stock up on eggs and milk… Something I will never understand. If you lose power, the milk will go bad and there’s no way to cook the eggs! (Unless you’re Rocky, in which case you prefer to drink them raw anyways) Continue reading

This story is great! While working in retail, I often am faced with customers who are dissatisfied with the product they purchased because they feel the label was misleading. I’m not quite sure how this man thought that 40 short stories could fit into a 131 minute film, but it just goes to show you how easily some people can be confused. Check out more “Tales from the Video Store” if looking for a good laugh!

one maniac show

Not that “Hard” to understand.

A gentleman returns a copy of Die Hard, dropping into the slot at the end of counter at our entrance. I thanked him as he moved along into the store.

Man:  Hey, have you seen that movie?
Todd:  I’m sorry, which one?
Man:  Die Hard. I just brought it back.
Todd:  Sure, I saw it when it showed in theaters.
Man:  Something I don’t understand. Somebody needs to talk to these movie people about what their doin’.
Todd:  You mean the violence?
Man:  No, no. The violence was good in this one. It’s misleadin’ what they put on the videos and their advertisements. I was just expectin’ somethin’ else.
Todd:  What do you mean?
Man:  Take a look at the video box over there.

I retrieved the video from the box and brought it back for examination.

Man:  See what it says? The…

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Receipt or no receipt? That is the question.

While working in customer service at a grocery store, I often observe customers who are returning items with no receipt. It is our store policy to accept returns whether or not the customer has a receipt. Customers often take advantage of this policy and either steal items and then return them to get the money, or they bring in items that have been sitting at home for a long time and have expired (claiming they bought the item recently). As a result, the store suffers a large loss of money in what we call shrink. Do you think stores should require some proof of recent purchase before accepting returns?

Diary of a Waitress

Hello again workaholics!

I myself have never been a waitress, but I can understand the difficulties and frustration waitresses must deal with. Being that their salary depends on a customers happiness, a waitress must do everything she can to keep each customer happy with the service and products offered.

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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Hello again workaholics, sometimes it feels like the stresses from work keep piling up and that there is no end in sight. Just take a deep breath, go get a snack, and allow yourself time to organize everything on your desk. Organization is one step we can take to help eliminate some stress, and it will make us finally feel like we can get through all the tasks at hand. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me!

Workaholic Research

Greetings workaholics!

It’s that time of year again when most college students begin to feel very stressed as their work load increases. I have been forcing myself to take breaks from all the reading and writing to try to calm my nerves. While some of you may not consider students as “workaholics,” I think that some students can fit into this category, even if they do not work jobs that bring in an income. Continue reading

Are YOU an annoying customer? Take the quiz to find out!

While shopping the other day, I realized that I too can be an annoying customer. I was checking out at the grocery store and chatting with the cashier instead of bagging my own groceries. The bagger was missing, off doing some other task, and I realized half way through the transaction that my groceries were piling up at the end of the conveyor belt. Being that I work at a grocery store, I know how annoying it can be when a customer refuses to help bag their own groceries. Continue reading